Send Me A Bird
- Send Me A Bird
- The Dragicorn
- AI
- The Golden Lion
- Back Out On The Road
- The Three Stooges
- Against The War
- Humans
- Not Everybody Thinks We’re Doomed
- A Beautiful Place
- The Family Tree
- The Album of the Day
- The Village Disco
- On & On
- England, I Love You
- World Gone Crazy
- Magic
- Alexa
- Another Year
- The Unlikely Gymnast
- Jamie & Lilly
- Open Door Policy
- Afternoons in the Sunshine
- 2016
- Robin Hood Costume
- I’m Home When You Hold Me
- The Great American Novel
- New Orleans Honeymoon
- A Whole Lot of Loving
- The Chicken Song
- Keep You
- Things
- Post Bestival Festival Blues
- Beer and a Burger
- Angry Birds
- Jim’ll Fix It
- Papa jaY
- My New Number One
- Peter Pans Playground
- Can’t Take Another Earthquake (feat Kate Tempest)
- Free Nights of Riots
- Blowjob for the Blues